Join Our Mission

Your Invitation for Your Company or Organization to Partner With Us

Partnering Supports Our Work

Partnering with us means joining forces to help our disabled military veterans achieve major, lasting improvements in their lives and their families’.

We believe in the power of collaboration to help create an environment of meaningful change in our local communities toward disabled veterans. By partnering with us, you and your organization can open the door to helping us make a significant and sustainable impact on the lives of our veterans and their families.

With the DAV’s proven track record in providing immediate meaningful aid, partnering with our Chapter will not only enhance your organization’s reputation, it offers the opportunity to be aligned with a worthy cause – helping us transform lives together.

Why Partner With our DAV Chapter ?

Community Involvement and Expertise: With operations throughout our northern Solano County service area, our organization has been identifying and assisting disabled veterans for over 70 years. Our Chapter currently has over 1,100 members, so partnering with us provides an opportunity to expand your reach to a new clientele.

Benefits of Partnering with Us

Demonstrable Impact: We prioritize transparency and accountability. Your support will be used effectively and efficiently. We measure our impact, and work to ensure meaningful outcomes for every veteran we serve. And we want to help you communicate that to your stakeholders. By aligning with us, your organization showcases its commitment to making a genuine difference in the lives of those in need.

Brand Reputation and Visibility: Partnering with us enhances your organization’s reputation and it positions you as a socially responsible organization. By associating with our trusted reputation, you demonstrate dedication to corporate social responsibility and humanitarian values for those of us who have given so much in support of this country. We can also offer joint branding and co-marketing opportunities to reach new audiences and amplify your message, leveraging our collective influence for greater impact.

Customized Partnerships: We can tailor our partnership to meet your unique goals and values. Whether a one-time collaboration or long-term alliance, we want to work closely with your team to develop a customized plan aligning with your organization’s mission. From cause-related marketing to employee engagement initiatives, we offer diverse partnership opportunities, increasing your reputation and impact in the community.

Access to Readily-Employable Veterans. Veterans represent a pool of readily employable, motivated, and reliable individuals that you can access quickly. Veterans offer a disciplined work ethic, team work, drive, a motivation to succeed, and a commitment to quality. Veterans have been trained by the military in a wide range of fields and have a variety of skills that are transferable to civilian jobs. In many cases, veterans have gained special certificates and licenses that are transferable to California’s licensing system.

Join Our Mission

Individual Volunteers Are Needed

Volunteer as a Community Ambassador

Our Chapter serves all of northern Solano County - Cordelia, Fairfield, Suisun, Travis Air Force Base, Vacaville, and Dixon. It is estimated that over 16,000 veterans live in our service area, and that over 1/3 of them (over 5,000) are rated as “disabled” by the Federal Veterans Administration.

That’s a large group — and it’s a large task to reach out to them. We need help.

As an individual, we encourage you to volunteer your time to be a Community Ambassador for our Chapter. After being trained and equipped, our Ambassadors are encouraged to promote the DAV and the Chapter throughout their individual communities in our service area. They visit nonprofit organizations and explain who we are and what we do. They make presentations to community service groups like Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Elks, and Chambers of Commerce.

They are our voice and help us serve our communities. They help us do fundraisers and promotional events. Our Ambassadors bring an energy and a dedication to our goal of identifying and assisting our local veterans wherever possible.

Join Our Mission


Giving is a Strength

There are many ways to be a part of our Chapter. Donating time and financially are two of the most significant.

Please reach out to us through our contact page for Donating support.